Monica Hunter, YEP Founder

  • When I learned the Enneagram years ago, I was struck by the concept of how different my life could have been if I had learned this wisdom teaching sooner.

    I might have saved myself and my loved ones pain and suffering by understanding who I was, gaining insight into who they are, and learning acceptance and compassion for both. During a period of discernment, I felt compelled to make this teaching accessible to young people, especially those struggling or in trouble. With the mentorship of an accomplished Enneagram expert, the talent of a sixteen-year-old artist, the creativity of a fellow story lover, the encouragement of evolved colleagues and friends, and the support of my family, the Youth Enneagram Program came to be.

    In my professional career I was a Human Resource Manager for thirty plus years, working in industries from financial services to moving and storage, both in the US and abroad.

    I am mother to three grown men, whom I am proud to call my sons, and grandmother to a beautiful baby boy. I have received many blessings during my life. For the stage I am now entering, I want to spend my time doing something that gives back, that has meaning, that has purpose, and very importantly, that has the potential to make a difference.

Chris Heuertz, Author, Speaker, Coach

  • While living and working all over the world for 20 years with an international humanitarian organization, I was first introduced to the Enneagram in a slum in Southeast Asia.

    Since then, I have trained under some of the great living Enneagram masters — including Marion Gilbert, Helen Palmer, Father Richard Rohr, and Russ Hudson. As an International Enneagram Association Accredited Professional, I now work as an Enneagram one-on-one coach and consultant, teach the Enneagram all around the world, host the Enneagram Mapmakers podcast, am a TEDx speaker, and have published seven books including two bestselling Enneagram books: the award-winning The Sacred Enneagram and The Enneagram of Belonging.

    You can find me and my sweet dog Fern in Omaha, Nebraska if you’re looking.