The Enneagram

While this program focuses on youth, the Enneagram teachings are for everyone from everywhere; there are no exceptions. We chose disadvantaged youth because of the unlikely possibility that these young people will have the opportunity to encounter and avail themselves of this wisdom teaching. The Enneagram fosters greater understanding of oneself and others, transcending gender, age, religion, nationality, race, creed, and culture. It is a universal teaching applicable and beneficial to all.


The Enneagram is not new and has its roots in several wisdom traditions. It is a dynamic system recognizing that humans are complex, multifaceted, and unique and cannot be categorized into neat boxes. There only is, and ever will be, one you. The Enneagram provides a framework to help us free ourselves from some of our personality's more destructive and harmful aspects. It can liberate us from the boxes we have put ourselves in while bringing to light our individual potentialities, uniqueness, and gifts through self-discovery, self-observation, and transformation.

“Transformation happens when our ordinary perspective shifts and we attain a new understanding of who we really are.”

~ Don Risso and Russ Hudson